Our island INN call Goen、now open in Ojika island. I wish all people will have a further opportunity of meeting in our accommodation call Goen. New experiences, exchange culture, make friends in Goen. Goen is meaning of meeting you is not accidental but necessity! Please come to have new experiences of Japan.
1. Clean, and private room. There are toilets in bathroom in USA and other countries too. All include toile, washing and bath in bathroom.
2.便座が暖かい。 これは素晴らしいとみんなが絶賛。たまに熱くてびっくりすることもある。
2. To provide a heated toilet seat reducing excessive heat. All Pax was impressived and praise highly Japanese toilets. Sometimes a bit warm, suprised how warm toilet seat is.
3. Toilet speak to you. It's call Otohime(Sound Princess) in Japanese. When you sit down toilet or press button, OTOHIME drowns out your toilet sound. Please try to press button, you will feel funny, good traveling story in Japan. Also save water.
4. There are a lot of button in toilet, call equipped with a washlet. You will be laugh out loud.
5. Toilet paper is extremely soft comparing other countries. Never lost our toilet paper quality. You can flush toilet paper.
That's all what crazy and impressive about Japanese toilet.
Incredible Japan.
Of course,
My island INN Goen is going to provide high technology toilets and clean toilets.
Goddess of the toilet.
I believe Goddness of the toilet always keep watching clean of toilet, keep clean in house and happy life.
Origami toile paper I will teach you how to make a crane.
Have you seen the sign WC in Japan? Do you know meaning?
World Cupではありません。
It's not world cup.
Answer is
Water Closetです。
Long time ago only had Pit toilet, When flush toilet have been develop, distinguish between pit toilet and flush toilet. People used to call water closet not flush toilet.
There are a lot of great difference between Japan and other countries.
Japan is special.
I am going to transmitt more and more information to you.
Crazy sign.
How to use Japanese toilet.
最後に、有名な歌でトイレの神様 Last, my favorite Japanese song. Call Toilet no kamisama. Goddess of the toilet (lyrics by Uemura Kana) トイレには それはそれはキレイな "In the toilet, there lives a very very beautiful 女神様がいるんやで Goddess." おばあちゃんがくれた言葉は 今日の私を Do those words of grandma べっぴんさんにしてくれてるかな make me so beautiful? トイレには それはそれはキレイな "In the toilet, there lives a very very beautiful 女神様がいるんやで Goddess." だから毎日 キレイにしたら 女神様みたいに So if you keep it clean every day, べっぴんさんになれるんやで you'll be as beautiful as her. 気立ての良いお嫁さんになるのが As I dreamed to be 夢だった私は an amiable bride, 今日もせっせとトイレを ピーカピカにする I polish the toilet every day even now. おばあちゃん My grandma, おばあちゃん ありがとう My grandma, Thank you so much おばあちゃん My grandma ホンマに Thank you very very ありがとう much.
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